Hurley Hernia Center
At Hurley’s Hernia Center of Excellence, we are the experts in developing effective, minimally invasive procedures based on each patient’s individual needs. Our surgeons have extensive experience repairing all types of hernias, but equally important is their ability to discuss treatment alternatives with patients and walk them through their options for repair, including the benefits and possible complications. The goal of the Hurley Hernia program is rapid recovery, getting patients back to doing what they love most, free of hernia pain.
Whether it is a non-mesh (also called tissue based or primary repair), or the most common procedure for inguinal hernia repair–the mesh-based Lichtenstein Repair–treatment will be determined on a case-by-case basis. We strive to give our patients the tools needed to make an informed decision with guidance from a board certified surgeon responsible for hundreds of successful hernia repairs each year. What is best for the patient–and what leads to the least chance of recurrence–will always be our guide.